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What Are Cultured Diamonds?

Many individuals ask what are cultured diamonds? and also How should I establish if this is the type of diamond that I want to purchase? Cultured diamonds are known as lab created diamonds. These types of diamonds are grown in a lab, they go through a similar process when being formed as natural diamonds but with some different details. Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds they are made of the same material carbon as natural formed diamonds.

“It may shock you to know that even trained geologists can't tell the difference between the two with the naked eye alone. Why is that, you may ask? Because lab created diamonds are as real as they come. Lab grown diamonds are identical to their natural counterparts in every way, except they are grown in a lab from a diamond seed instead of pulled from the earth. Diamonds are made up almost entirely of pure carbon. That's why both lab diamonds and mined diamonds have the exact same physical properties. They replicate the exact natural process that forms earth grown diamonds, but cost up to 40% less. This remarkable lab grown diamond (also known as a synthetic diamond) has the same sparkle, clarity, and aesthetic of an earth mined diamond. In fact, lab grown diamonds and mined diamonds are the same except for a few crucial details. Lab grown diamonds are much less expensive than earth-mined diamonds, making them a great choice for engagement rings and jewelry. Lab grown diamonds are not mined or dredged, making them the environmentally conscious choice. Lab grown diamonds are affordable, free of mining concerns, conflict-free, durable, brilliant and luxurious. What’s not to love? Expert gemologists can’t differentiate between mined diamonds and lab grown diamonds. Which means neither will anyone else! Side-by-side, they’re one in the same. Here we see that lab grown diamonds are the superior of the two. When you look at lab grown diamonds, they’re made of the exact same chemical structure as mined diamonds. The only difference between mined diamonds and lab grown diamonds (aside from the cost) is their origin” 1215 (2020). Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds that save you money and with this choice you should feel great that you didn’t obtain your diamond from causing damage to the earth’s natural habitat.


1215 (2020) Are lab grown diamonds as strong as real diamonds?

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